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Goal setting for 2021 with John Briscoe and Kristen Hernandez

Goal setting for 2021 with John Briscoe and Kristen Hernandez


35 minutes with John B and Kristen H.

Presentation materials will be posted soon.

Chat transcription:

0:21:38    Lori Donahoo:    What is the name; John…?

00:21:53    Hind Aineb:    Steve Shull

00:21:55    Lori Donahoo:    For the 3 hour goal setting coach?

00:22:02    Lori Donahoo:    TY

00:22:41    James Sanders:    Steve Shull

00:23:49    James Sanders:    Lauren Laforge

00:24:56    James Sanders:    The Power of Habit

00:25:19    James Sanders:    (Books)

00:25:26    James Sanders:    Atomic Habits

00:27:52    Matthew Powers:    Is this a PDF? Could you put in Chat?

00:27:55    Lori Donahoo:    Kristen,  can you send a link or email for these 5 circles?

00:30:57    James Sanders:    805-421-6440 – Lauren Forge

00:31:57    James Sanders:    Five Circles

00:32:08    James Sanders:    Book – Simply the Garden

00:33:37    James Sanders:    What to Say when you talk to yourself – book

00:34:23    James Sanders:    The 12 week year – Brian Moran

00:35:21    James Sanders:    The Go Giver – Book

00:36:50    Tuba:    I did better than my goal.

00:38:29    James Sanders:    025 – Buffini Podcast The power of a made up mind

00:39:34    Diane Sanders:    How general or specific should your goals be?  Should you set both?

00:49:18    Tuba:    Thank you John

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